Alexander Technique opens a space for everybody who wishes to coordinate their bodily and mental powers better – independently of age, health or occupation.
By looking at the whole picture and not limiting the focus to the symptoms, Alexander technique can enable lasting effects.
This was demonstrated by a major British study which found an outstanding effectiveness of the Alexander technique against chronic back pain (https://www.bmj.com/content/337/bmj.a884).
People with stress, tension, back, shoulder & neck pains, headaches, sleeping problems, circulation problems, and more can find lasting help through heightened awareness and omission of “wrong doing” with the Alexander technique.
Musicians, actors, dancers, sportspeople
learn to coordinate their movements more naturally and economically and find more freedom for their creative potential.
Pregnant women
learn to consciously adapt to the changing circumstances.
Singers, speakers, politicians, moderators, managers, teachers
learn to coordinate their movements more naturally and economically and find more freedom for their creative potential.
In this part of the world for example, Alexander technique teachers are present in practically all university courses for music and visual arts. Firms are beginning to discover the worth of Alexander technique for their employees, for example in pain prevention and remedy. In various branches of medicine the technique is also enjoying more and more integration.
“With growing wonderment we are noticing very noticeable improvements in such diverse things as high blood pressure, breathing, deep sleep, general good temper and mental alertness, resistance to external pressure and also in such a complex skill as playing a string instrument.”
Nikolaas Tinbergen – Nobel prize for Medicine 1973 – on Alexander Technique